This close-up view of Saturn's atmosphere shows a circular vortex surrounded by numerous attendant bright clouds.
Some blurring due to spacecraft motion is apparent in this view.
The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Jan. 3, 2007 at a distance of approximately 1.3 million kilometers (800,000 miles) from Saturn. Image scale is 15 kilometers (9 miles) per pixel.
这个在土星的大气层中的圆形旋涡有很多明亮的云. 可是由于某种原因,照片有些模糊。
这张可见光图像是由卡西尼号的窄角相机, 在距离土星约130万公里初.拍摄的, 每像素为15公里。