
It was created from radio signals received during a lightning storm on Saturn by the radio and plasma wave science instrument on the Cassini spacecraft. The sounds are similar to the crackles and pops we hear on an AM radio during a thunderstorm on Earth. This Saturnian storm occurred on January 23 and 24, 2006. The clip compresses two hours of observations into about 28 seconds; every second of audio corresponds to about 4 minutes, 18 seconds.
这个声音是由卡西尼号利用无线电录下的一场在土星上的风暴。这个声音类似于我们在雷雨期间用无线电听到的劈啪声和流行音乐差不多的声音。这场风暴发生在2006 年1月23日, 和24日。这个录音把两小时的录下的声音压缩到大约28秒中; 每秒对应于大约4 分18 秒。 |