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Star Trails Above Mauna Kea 莫纳亚克山上空的星象迹线

发表于 2005-12-20 17:11:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
[center]Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

2005 December 20

http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod ... ails_gemini_big.jpg

Star Trails Above Mauna Kea
Credit & Copyright: Peter Michaud (Gemini Observatory), AURA, NSF
Explanation: Is there a road to the stars? Possibly there are many, but the physical road pictured above leads up to the top of a dormant volcano that is a premier spot on planet Earth for observing stars and astronomical phenomena. At the top of Hawaii's Mauna Kea are some of the largest optical telescopes on Earth, including the Keck telescopes, Gemini, Subaru, CFHT, and the IRTF. Together, these 10-meter eyes have made many universe-redefining discoveries, including detailing that most of the universe is made not of familiar matter but of mysterious dark matter and dark energy. The above picture was compiled from over 150 one-minute exposures from a digital camera. During that time, the rotation of the Earth made the stars far in the distance appear to have long star trails. The foreground landscape was illuminated by the Moon.

版权:Peter Michaud (Gemini Observatory), AURA, NSF

说明:有一条通向星星的路吗?或许有很多,不过上图中这条物理学之路却通向一座休眠火山的峰顶,那里是地球上观测恒星和天文现象的主要地方。夏威夷 莫纳亚克山顶有一些地球上最大的光学望远镜,包括凯克望远镜、双子星望远镜、Subaru望远镜、CFHT(加拿大和法国夏威夷望远镜)和美国宇航局的红外望远镜。这些10米望远镜已经共同做出了许多重新定义宇宙的发现,其中包括宇宙的大部分是由神秘的暗物质和暗能量组成,而不是我们熟知的物质。上面这张图是把一台数码相机拍摄的150多张1分钟曝光的照片进行处理得到的。拍摄的时候,由于地球的自转,使得远处的恒星显示出长长的星象迹线。前景中的画面被月光照亮。(翻译:刘媛媛)


[ Last edited by Edelweiss on 2005-12-20 at 09:51 PM ]
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