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TMB 与 maxvision ED APO 对比

发表于 2008-12-24 16:46:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Dear Telescope Enthusiasts,
After waiting for such a long time we finally get a clear night with stability good enough to test the new Maxivision 5 inch APO. Frankly speaking I just couldn’t belief my eyes.
The new Maxivision 5 inch apochromatic triplet telescope just performs so good than I cannot belief my eyes. It could easily be pushed up to 100X per inch and it gives a contrast, resolution and color correction, according to my memory, still better than that of the AstroPhysics 130 EDT.
Memory is not reliable. So we carried out an AB comparison test on the spot. Target was the lunar surface.
It happened that we just had a Thomas Back 7 inch Apochromatic Triplet telescope by the side and so we AB compared the performance of the TMB and Maxivision. In a magnification of about 300X ( TMB 7 inch f/8 used a Pentax XL 5.2 mm eyepiece, gives 275X. Maxivision 5 inch f/7.5 : used a TeleVue 2.5 X barlow + Takahashi LE 7.5 mm eyepiece gives 318 X ) Except that the TMB is much brighter everything we saw are identical in both telescopes, with the Maxivsion slightly at a higher contrast, and slightly at a less color aberration. We could hardly detect any advantages ( except more brightness ) in the Thomas Back comparing with the smaller Maxivision.
Thomas back is already regarded as the top performer in triplet apochromatic refractor. So is it high time for us to think twice before spending money on a Takahashi TOA 130, AstroPhysic EDT130 or a TMB 5 inch ? Since at 1/3 the price you get a same performance ( or even better ) Maxivision 5 inch APO.
I didn't say that Thomas Back is not good. Indeed Thomas Back performed excellently. But the fact is, the Maxivison is just too good.
Best regards
Chan Yuk Lun

在等待了很长时间,我们终于有一个足够清晰与大气稳定的晚上来测试此新的 Maxvision ”大有可观” 5 英吋口径复消色差折射镜。我可以坦白地说我只是不能相信我的眼睛。
此新的”大有可观” 5 英吋口径复消色差折射镜的表现是这么好我不能相信我的眼睛。此镜可以轻易地被推往放大率每英吋100x,而据我记忆所及此镜的反差,解像力及色差修正是仍然较一枝 Astro Physics 130EDT 优胜
记忆是不可靠的。所以我们进行了一次 A 与 B 的对比测试。目标是月球的表面。
我们刚刚有了一枝 Thomas Back TMB 7 英吋口径 f/8 复消色差折射镜在一起作此对比测试。在放大倍率约 300x (TMB 用宾得 XL5.2 毫米目镜得出 275x ”大有可观”用 TeleVue 2.5 × 增焦镜加上高桥 7.5 毫米目镜得出 318 x )。除了 TMB 的影像有极为比较高的亮度, 这 2 枝镜的其他我们所见都是相同只就是”大有可观”有些微较高的反差及些微不及的色差修正。
我们几乎不能够测出 TMB 与”大有可观”在比较上有任何优胜(除却光亮度)。
TMB 已被认为是最佳表现的三片镜片复消色差折射镜。因此我们以后要三思而后才可花钱购买高桥 TOA130 ,Astro Physic EDT130 或 TMB 5 英吋?皆由于以 1/3 价钱的”大有可观”你可以得到相同表现(或更佳)。
我并没有说 TMB 是为不好。事实上 TMB 的表现是非常出色。但事实上”大有可观”是太好。

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-24 16:49:24 | 只看该作者
除了香港资深天文爱好者的测试外,台湾PK·Chen也对maxvision ED APO给出了很好的评价

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IMG_6872.jpg (30.26 KB, 下载次数: 319)

发表于 2008-12-24 17:01:00 | 只看该作者
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